One Size in Fact, Never Fits all

Interior Design for creatives and entreprenEUrs

It's time to make your space work as hard as you do.

Because your environment is affecting your mindset.

It influences your perception of the world and the stories you tell yourself about your life and business. I know you care deeply about the world, and are tirelessly working to make it a better place. You deserve a safe haven that supports you while you do your game-changing work that supports the planet.

the make it work power hour

A 90 minute meeting providing ideas and solutions to specific design questions. Consider this therapy for your interior design dilemmas.

the 2 week virtual design

The 2 Week Virtual Design dives deep into your needs to create a comprehensive and actionable Design Plan, designed by me and implemented by you.

the 2 week in person design

The 2 Week In Person Design follows the same signature process as the Virtual Design. Except I'll both create and install your Design Plan while you sit back and relax.

Hi, I'm Maddy

I’m on a mission to transform homes and businesses into sustainable and supportive spaces that inspire you to live your most balanced and impactful life. 

I want you to imagine...

the sustainable interior design Process


Because spaces have such an impact on mental health, we are putting ourselves in the driver's seat of our wellness. We'll identify the feelings you'd like to cultivate in your home - whether that's creativity, ease, abundance, or something else. And cater the rest of our design to nurture this feeling throughout your space. It's truly starting at the very beginning. (A very good place to start!)


Across storage, habits, materials, and layouts, we'll dive deep into your functional needs so you're not spending your precious time maintaining your space. We'll take into consideration where you're at, and where you're headed, to create a space you won't need to "fix" again in a few years. And like any sustainable process, we'll maximize multi-use solutions using durable materials, so you can easily move things around as life ebbs and flows.


Finally, we'll consider style to take your space from sufficient to stunning. Form comes last because crafting an authentic and lasting style takes feeling and function into account before making things beautiful. Like the rest of the design process, we'll dive deep into what inspires you to get a specific understanding of what you love. And identify specific elements you can easily add to your space. No vague interior design styles here. Also, I heard the best things are saved for last, and this is certainly not an exception.

ethical aesthetic

(n.) An authentic style that combines what you love with what you value to cultivate a specific feeling

the signature style

I’ve developed a process to find an authentic expression of you, rather than rely on the confines of a prescribed interior design style. I call the result the Ethical Aesthetic. You’ll never again feel lost wondering “Wait do I even like this?” Or “But will it go with everything else?” It’s the perfect combination of style and intention that will make your space actually feel like home. 

Design tips